Acciai al carbonio:

Designazione e classificazione degli acciai (normativa europea EN; sistemi AISI/SAE e UNS); cenni di metallurgia di base (leghe metalliche, solidificazione, microstrutture, diffusione, sistema Fe-C, curve di raffreddamento, trattamenti termici principali); effetto degli elementi di lega negli acciai; acciai da costruzione di uso generale; acciai speciali da costruzione; acciai per utensili; acciai per usi particolari; acciai per getti; introduzione agli acciai «puliti».

Designation and properties of major metal alloys

The designation of steels according to EN 10027-1 (symbolic designation) and EN 10027-2 (numerical designation) and guidelines on AISI and UNS designation systems; The designation of cast iron according to UNI EN 1560 and ASTM; The designation of aluminium alloys according to EN 1780-1 (die-casting alloys) and EN 573-1 (semi-finished products); The designation of copper alloys according to EN 1412 and the UNS system; Outline of the main characteristics of the metal alloys presented.

Duration: 4 hours

Stainless steel:

Designation and classification of steels (European standard EN; AISI/SAE and UNS systems); definition of stainless steel; outline of basic metallurgy (metal alloys, solidification, diffusion, microstructures, Fe-C, Fe-Cr and Fe-Ni systems); subdivision of stainless steel; effect of alloy elements; martensitic-ferritic-austenitic-duplex-PH stainless steels (generalities, uses, main types, chemical-physical and mechanical characteristics, main thermal treatments); corrosion resistance (general, main mechanisms, environments); welding of stainless steels.

Duration: 8 hours

The laboratory tests

Chemical analysis; Tensile test; Hardness tests; Resilience test; Metallographic examinations.

Duration: 4 hours

Failure Analysis:

Introduction to Failure Analysis (definitions, analysis of causes and analysis levels); basic metallurgy (metal alloys, solidification, microstructures, diffusion, state diagrams, cooling curves, main heat treatments, rearrangement and recrystallization, plastic deformation); physical-chemical characteristics of metal materials (chemical composition, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance); approach to Failure Analysis and experimental techniques (types of damage, analytical procedures, visual examinations, optical and electronic microscopy, SEM-EDS microanalysis); main metallurgical defects; mechanisms of mechanical damage (brittle and ductile fracture, fatigue)mechanisms of resistance to corrosion and corrosion of certain classes of metal materials; case studies.

Duration: 8 hours

Conformity assessment of supplies

The control documents for metal products according to UNI EN 10204; Notes on the characteristics of metal materials; The reading of the supply certificates; Examples of certificates.

Duration: 4 hours

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