

Consultancy services is Unilab Laboratori Industriali’s major strengths. This is specifically dedicated to assisting the needs of companies in the mechanical sector – automotive, hydraulic, light engineering – and more besides. Our services range from materials studies, research and technological product innovation, regulatory support regarding mandatory legal obligations and requirements associated with foreign markets, technological support for the drafting of Innovation and Research projects. These are just some of the consultancy services we provide.
Below, we detail our primary activities in these fields:

    • analysis and research of finished products, improvement criteria, operational criticalities
    • analysis and research on mechanical components; performance studies;
    • criteria for improving production processes;
    • defect analysis;
    • verification of compliance with technical specifications

Our Laboratory activities frequently cross over into sectors with similar features to mechanical engineering, meaning our team have the experience and flexibility required to transfer technological knowledge from one sector to another. Furthermore, our continuous collaboration with other laboratories and research institutes, as well as with the main universities in Northern Italy, allows us to enjoy the position of being a respected hub, helping foster relationships between companies and the main national competence centres, even regarding fields not strictly connected with the services provided in the laboratory.


At Unilab, we can also offer training either in-company or at our client’s premises and professional refresher courses, to help you develop not only skills associated with state-of-the-art technologies, but also to disseminate deeper knowledge of the sector, as indispensable tools in the development of your Company Systems. These services are backed up by numerous collaborative initiatives with Italian educational establishments, in the sphere of the Pupil Internship Programme (Alternanza Scuola Lavoro), as well as Degree Dissertations and PhD scholarships. These initiatives underscore our concrete commitment to forming partnerships with the world of education.


The Innovation and Consultancy services we provide at Unilab are usually part of programs financed under the Government’s R&D Tax Credit Scheme or part of Regional Programs (Veneto Regional Programme or European Regional Development Fund) with financing provided locally. Ask us about funding opportunities.