Technical and engineering analysis for companies in the industrial sector


As an external partner for the validation of the entire production process, we support our customers with consulting services and certifications of components and materials, from prototyping to testing up to verification of production processes.


Certifications and Partners

Unilab Laboratori Industriali s.r.l. is an accredited testing laboratory, with accreditation No. LAB1634, and meets the requirements of the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard and Accredia regulations, for the provision of mechanical testing and metallography services and the provision of Cleanliness tests (Cleaning of components); Unilab is an accredited Calibration Centre, with accreditation No. LAT 229, for the calibration of measuring instruments (accreditation details on UNILAB is also certificate for the following scope: Design and provision of industrial training activities (IAF 37).
The laboratory is also part of the SINFONET network (Smart & Innovative Foundry Network), one of the first Regional Innovation Networks, dedicated to the foundry sector, recognised by the Veneto Regional Council. In addition, in partnership with two major local companies, we’ve created the SETA business network, thus expanding and strengthening the range of services we provide.

They’ve placed their trust in us…

At Unilab, we know how important it is to provide a highly professional, punctual, precise and swift service. That’s why for many years now, we’ve been the partner of choice to major businesses from a diverse range of industries. They trust us to provide them with quality technical engineering services, which cater for a wide range of industrial and other applications in the fields of Industrial Metrology, Metallography and Tomography, and as a testing laboratory. An internationally accredited trusted partner chosen by leading businesses, both nationally and internationally, who place their trust in Unilab’s experience and certified expertise.